Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Some Things Are Too Sacred

I've decided that some of the things the diets want you to do are crazy. We only live once right? What's the fun of living if we're being so crazy careful about every little thing that passes over our lips? Not that I think you should eat with out restraint, but there are some things that are just too sacred to NOT eat...

... like coffee...

I LOVE coffee! I don't drink it everyday though. Not because I don't want to, but because I don't want to need it. I love that I can enjoy my coffee everytime I have it, but not feel horrible if I don't get that caffine jolt.

I only drink coffee two or three times a week, and I always drink it the same way. I don't order those froofy, chocolaty, you-can't-even-taste-the-coffee drinks. My favorite way to enjoy my coffee is a 12oz, two shot americano with 3 raw sugars and a splash of cream.

I don't think that's unreasonable when some of those other drinks are close to 900+ calories. Did you know that black coffee is only 2 calories? That means by adding a little sugar and cream, I'm not even consuming 100 calories!

I will drink my coffee how I like it, diet or not!

1 comment:

  1. All things in moderation, right? Now if I could just figure out that self control thing...
