Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The "Runner" In Me

Back in December, I made a goal for myself. I wanted to be able to run the Race For The Roses 1/2 marathon on April 3rd. There were some other goals in there too, but that was the most challenging.

I trained by running consistently. At first it was too nasty to run outside, so I kept to the treadmill. But eventually you have to bite the bullet and be willing to get a little wet. I mean, this IS Oregon after all. If we waited until it was sunny to go outside, we'd never go outside! I only did one long training run (10 miles), but I felt like I was prepared for what awaited me at the race.

My goal was to run the entire thing. 13 miles is a long way to run without stopping though. I wasn't too confident that I'd actually reach my goal.

The night before the race I didn't sleep well because I was so excited. I also kept thinking of the Seinfeld episode where the alarm clock doesn't work and the runner misses his race. I practiacally bounded out of bed when my alarm went off at 5:30am (which if you know me is a complete miricle in itself).

After dressing and eating, I made my way downtown. The starting line was packed full of people. It was also FREEZING outside! We were all jumping in place while we watched the countdown clock. When the buzzer went off we all started running.

The first 8 miles went by pretty quickly to my great surprise. The next two were okay. I did notice my pace slowing down a bit.

By mile 11 I was so over running. I was getting a couple new blisters on my left foot and I think I started to favor that leg a little bit. I was SO happy to see the 12 mile marker!!!

I walked about a total of a 1/2 mile in the last two miles of the race. It was only several yards a couple times after a drink station then I walked up the onramp to the Steel Bridge (It's WAY steep when you're on foot).

At the end of the run they called out my name as I crossed the finish line. That was really cool! When I stopped running I realized that my foot was pretty tender with the new blisters. I was limping and the emotion of realizing I'd just finished a 1/2 marathon hit me and I started to cry.

As I limped over to the lady who was handing out our finishing roses, I must have looked like a mess because she asked if I was gonna make it. I laughed and said I'd be fine.

As I think back on the race, I remember rockin' out to some pretty awesome worship music (it was Sunday morning after all) and praying several times for God's special strength and energy (mostly toward the end). I always felt an extra push of encouragement after those moments. The verse from Philippians "I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength." kept running through my head. As well as the one that says "I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."

I'm thankful for a God who cares about my small goals. It was through His power that I was able to run 13 miles and "win" the prize! I'm also thankful for family and friends who come down on a freezing April morning to take pictures of me and cheer for me as I cross the finish line!

Now I can concentrate on the next goal... a triathalon! WHEW!

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