Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Blankie

My son Taylor is obsessed with his "blankie". He's had it since he was only a month old. It was a gift from my dear friend Arthene Bell. She made it. And since Taylor is a twin, she made two of them! Ironically, Daniel has no intrest in the blanket, so they both belong to Taylor.
He carries his blankie everywhere he goes. It's like that Peanuts character Linus. It's completely worn and faded. The edges are frayed and it tends to get a funky smell after a while. When that happens we switch them out. He gets the clean one and the dirty one gets the laundry treatment.

I've gotten to the point where I make him leave it in the car when we go into a store.

Eric likes to steal it when Taylor isn't paying attention and remark about how much he likes the blankie. Taylor then tries to wrestle it away from his daddy. All the while shouting that it's "MY BLANKIE!!"

Some people may think he's too old to be so attached to this blanket, but I know that eventually he won't carry it everywhere.

For now it's just cute.

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