Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My Daily Blessing

I have been fighting with feelings of frustration, inadequacy, loneliness and dissatisfaction for about the last year.

I mentioned these feelings to my Tuesday morning bible study buddies this morning. They were all very sympathetic and one woman even had a very good suggestion for me. She said that someone told her once that when she felt that way she should write down one way God had blessed her everyday.

That sounded like a very good (and easy) way of physically seeing how blessed I am.

Since we're so technologically integrated these days I thought my blog would be a good place to write those things down. You see, things tend to get lost in my house, so if I type them out online, I'll never lose them!

I've been thinking all day about what my daily blessing for today would be. I've come up with several things (YEA), but the one I'm most thankful for today is:

My twins are in the same classroom.

They got to do their homework together today because it was a math game that required two players. I think the teacher intended them to play with a parent, but it seemed like a good learning experience for them to play together. (And I was there supervising the whole time.)

Their teacher called me today and told me a little story about the boys. After telling me she said that it has turned out that they do really well in a classroom together and they're wonderful boys. *tear*

I am very blessed today!

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