Thursday, October 6, 2011

Today's Blessing

I'd like to take a moment to share with you some internal dialogue I had today. It takes some setting up, but I promise you, it will be worth staying with me until the end.

I have this shirt that I got for being on the staff of vacation bible school at our church this summer. It's black and has "The JESUS Expedition" written in huge, bright orange letters across the front of it.

I don't wear this shirt much. Not because I don't like it, but because I don't really wear a lot of black. Especially when it's in conjunction with orange... eh, hem... QUACK!

I was in my bedroom getting dressed for tonight's zumba class. I had my awesome zumba pants on and was trying to decide on a shirt.

I usually wear a quick-dry tanktop to the gym, but it was cold today and I was looking for something with a little more coverage. I decided on a t-shirt.

My zumba pants are black so naturally the most flattering (yes that's right, I put this much thought into what I wear to the gym) color would be black. For some reason, I put on my BLUE Bridge Pedal t-shirt. It wasn't pretty...

This is the internal dialogue that followed:

"This looks stupid, I should just wear the Jesus shirt."
"UGH, I don't really wanna wear the Jesus shirt."
"It's black and will hide the fat rolls better."
"But then it's like wearing a Jesus billboard."
"And the problem is...???"
"I hate being labled as something before they even talk to me."
"But I AM a Christian. It's not like most people don't already know that."
"Am I ashamed to wear a Jesus billboard?!?!?!"
"Am I ashamed to wear the name of the man who sacrificed everything for me?"
"This is so stupid! He suffered a horrible death on a cross all to save me from my own sins and I'm standing here complaining because I don't wanna wear a shirt with His name on it TO THE GYM!"
"I'm pathetic."

*I put on the Jesus shirt*

"Wow, I look skinnier in this shirt. Huh."

Today I'm thankful that I live in a country where I can proudly wear a t-shirt that proclaims the name of my Lord and Savior!

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