>Before this, I had home schooled my kiddos. After several years of that I realized it was too much for me. I'm not consistent enough or organized enough (shocking, I know.) to be a really good teacher. With the added task of watching my nieces and nephew everyday, home schooling became overwhelming.
Daniel and Taylor (Ethan too) were WAY excited for their first day! They waited in anxious anticipation until it was time to go.
We walked the first day because I needed to show them to their classrooms and help deliver supplies that didn't fit into their small backpacks.
When we got to their classroom I made them pause for a minute for a quick photo.
Once they got settled it became clear that it was time for me to leave. Surprisingly I kept it together and didn't cry.
I have to selfishly admit that it's really nice to have the house so quiet during the day. My nephew hardly makes any noise and is a very easy child to care for, so I definately feel the relief.
Now I have all this time... I should be able to keep the house clean and have a nice dinner on the table every night right????
They look so excited!