Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Running It Off

Today was the day from hell. And I don't mean it was your normal bad day. I've had "Alexander" days before but this day was like an "Alexander" day to the tenth power. Not only did a million little things go wrong, but several HUGE things went really, REALLY wrong.

I spent the majority of my day going between being completely angry at everything to utterly overwhelmed with tears. (You should see the beauty that is my puffy, splotchy face right now.)

In the old days when I had a badish day I'd eat some ice cream or some french fries covered in cheese and topped with bacon. (Mmmm...) Then I'd hole myself up with my flute for hours of practice. Working out the kinks of whatever piece I was working on seemed to soothe my soul.

Unfortunately I'm not supposed to eat french fries right now. And since I seem to be too busy to take my flute out of it's case recently, that wasn't really an option either. So what are we left with?

Tonight's team workout.

Eric and I went to the gym an hour before our workout as usual. I was bound and determined to run that treadmill into the ground tonight. I didn't want to take my frustration out on my family any more than I already had so I figured the best thing to do was take it out on an inanimate object.

I ran so hard I was pouring sweat like I haven't done in a long time. My feet were hurting and my legs were crying out for mercy, but I ran right through it. It felt really good too!

Then came our team workout. I pushed myself really hard, even though I was so tired and hungry from my crazy running. It was worth it.

After a two hour long, really hard workout I feel much better about life. I still have to get up tomorrow and deal with all these issues, but I'm hoping I will sleep well tonight.

And the icing on my crap-flavored cake day is that I lost 3 pounds this week! That puts me up to 8 total since starting 3 weeks ago. If you'll recall, I lost 8 pounds total during our last round of BL. I'm on a ROLL baby!!!


  1. This has nothing to do with this particular post (however I am super impressed with your dedication to working out!). I came across this article on Lonely Planet and thought of you..

    I've hit all but 3 and 6 still remains on my life list! If you want any tips drop me a note. Can't wait to hear more about you're trip!


  2. Thanks Erin! (BTW, could you tell me which Erin you are? LOL!) Most of those places are on our list. Several are at the TOP!
    So far I love the Lonely Planet books I have. My sister suggested them. Along with Rick Steves it seems we'll be well read for our trip!

  3. Gleason. And I'm embarrassed I used the wrong your above! Ugh!
