This weekend was beautiful in the Portland area. Highs in the 50's and sunny.
All over Facebook and blogland my friends were talking about their outdoor activities. They were all soakin' up that wonderful vitamin D that us pasty Northwesterners so often lack. I heard stories about running in the park, playing at the beach, snowboarding on the sunny mountain, riding bikes through beautiful scenic Oregon and riding just down the street for gelato. (Because you know, in Oregon 50 degrees means it's warm enough for gelato!)
You wanna know what I did all weekend? I know you're dying to know...
Well I did some running of my own... I ran a FEVER!!
You never really appreciate how well your body works until it doesn't work anymore. I can tell you that swallowing is a very important bodily function. I bet you don't know how many times you swallow during the course of the day. Well I do, because everytime I swallow I get this lovely stab of pain in the back of my reddened, swollen throat.
We stocked up on applesauce, soup, pudding, ice cream, popsicles and Jell-O. (Which is great for my diet. *rolls eyes*) As well as all sorts of medications, in both over-the-counter and perscription varieties.
We're on the mend. I think this will be our last day holed up in this house. (You can imagine the mess... UGH!) And now that we're getting better, it's supposed to snow this week. GEEZ!