Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Minor Set back

I've been really consistent with my diet and excersize over the last week. I had a minor set back though... a girls weekend at the beach.

Those always include lots of food and very unhealthy snacks. I am really proud to report that I ate small portions of the yummy food and snacked minimally. I definately ate a lot less than I normally would on a vacation.

I did however splurge on some clam chowder, crab fondue and a beer. I'm only human after all.

I only got one workout in all weekend when I was hoping for two. At least I worked out though.

After the set back weekend, I was surprised to discover that I still lost a pound! I put in a lot of extra effort at last night's team workout session and I plan to continue that everyday this week. I love results!


  1. I LOVE these posts. Jessica, you are doing such a great job, and you're sharing the realistic story of how this effort goes for most of us. A little bit at a time, keeping at it, and as weeks go by, a transformation happens. Congratulations for your progress so far! Now no pressure, but the "Biggest Loser" show has apparently stopped production because the technical crew decided to walk off the set in solidarity with one of the unions. So, your group is it now! :)

  2. Wow, I don't actually watch the show so I had no idea.
    Thanks for the encouragement! Other people's encouragement is what's kept me going some days. It's also nice to know someone actually READS my blog! LOL!
